Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Have You Missed Me?

Okay, I would love more than anything to say that I am back but let's be honest.  I tried that once only to disappear almost immediately following.  I will not promise, as my life has a way of consuming me, but I will hope to try to post once a week?  Twice a week?  I guess what I am trying to say is I will certainly do my best to post more often than I have been...which has been not at all.

For a while, I was so busy doing that I didn't have the time to write about it.  Nolan and I went through a faze in which we walked the lake every day, rain or shine.  That very productive train was derailed by a ridiculous knee injury caused by my attempt at running.  (Hopefully I will write an entire post on THAT even though it was months or so ago.)  In case I do not post about that experience, let me make a long story short and say that I happen to run more like a dinosaur than a gazelle.

Project Baby Weight has not been the only thing that has taken a back burner these last months; my world revolves around Nolan.  I don't just mean that in an "he's my son and I love him way;"  I mean that in an "everything about my baby consumes every ounce of thought and strength I have just to make it through the day" kind of way.  I know this sounds very dramatic but I am serious.  On more than one occasion I have contemplated calling the doctor for large doses of Zoloft and Xanax.  Perhaps if I just exercised I wouldn't feel the need for prescription meds but finding the time and energy to exercise is almost tantamount to exercise itself, of course without the caloric burn and health benefits.  Therefore, I have discovered a new form of self medication that has caused me to go in the opposite direction on weight loss and overall health.  Red Wine and Salt and Pepper Kettle Chips only to be consumed whilst watching trashy, time-wasting reality television (IE The Bachelorette) any time after 10 pm in the evening.  At my house we just call this Mommy Time.

Thanks to Mommy Time, I have gained 5 pounds.  I think it's finally time to reconstruct Mommy Time into something more beneficial both mentally and physically so I can move the scale in the other direction...fingers crossed!