Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Where it all began...

It's amazing how in the moment I met Nolan I knew that there was no one in the entire world I could ever love more even though I knew nothing about him...
In the last three months since this picture was taken I have made some feeble attempts at exercise. A handful of trips to the gym and a few spins out at Growlers on my mountain bike but nothing regular or consistent. That must change starting today. My wonderful hubby is taking over the baby duties tonight so I can go shake my groove thing at Zumba. I have never done Zumba before and I am very out of shape so it should be interesting. Of course I will let you know how it goes.


  1. Can't wait to follow your journey....It's always important to take time for you! I know when I feel good about myself, I'm much more productive and enjoy everything a little more! You're wonderful and I'm here to help if you need a walking buddy! Ash

  2. Haley! I'm so excited, blogging is such a great way to keep yourself motivated, make connections with other like minded moms, and get in some much needed "you" time! Welcome!

  3. I love ZUMBA!! I wish I lived closer so you could take my class! Let me know how you like it, but every instructor has a different style... just keep that in mind.

  4. haley you are beautiful!!! Im excited your writing a blog....your story of zumba remimded me of the first time i went to try on jeans after having my daughter. Left in tears. Thanks in advance for your future blogs...Im sure in no time you'll have one titled "how Haley got her groove back"
