Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Last night was my first attempt to reenter the world of excercise.  I made plans to attend the Zumba class at my gym; I had my husband to watch Nolan, I had dinner all arranged, I was all ready to go.  Until it came time to get myself to go to class. 

The adventure began with trying to find something to wear.  This was a daunting task.  Since giving birth I have refused to purchase any new clothing to fit me now.  I do not want one single reason to stay at my current weight.  All of my gym clothes seem fine to wear around the house on a day to day basis, but Zumba was not just around the house.  It was an organized fitness class in front of wall to wall mirrors and people. 

Now I understand that what I look like at the gym shouldn't matter.  I'm there to work out, not to impress anyone.  Normally I would fully agree but since I was going to be looking at myself the entire time, I wanted to look good...for myself.  So I put on some black yoga pants, a long black tank, and an American Apparel t-shirt.  I touched up my concealer, added a little blush, and even put on some lipgloss.  I thought I looked alright.  I left the house armed with my gym card, a bottle of water, and all the self-confidence I could muster.

Walking into the class I felt just fine.  The instructor was very sweet and unassuming and the class was a mixed bag of ladies from all different fitness levels.  I found myself a spot up front off to the side and started shaking my hips to the music.  Zumba was fun!  It wasn't difficult and I kept up just fine.  It was going great until I stopped watching the instructor and started watching myself in the mirror.  Let me tell you ladies, it was a major reality check.  I did not recognize myself.  I guess I have had this idea of what I look like stuck in my head and it didn't match up to the person looking and Zumba-ing back at me.  I was fat.  My outfit looked frumpy.  I had lost my rhythm.  Gone was the happy bouncy cheerleader.  I was reminded of what it felt like to be in junior high school where I was this curvy, well developed awkward girl in a sea of skinny minis.  Now this was all in my head mind you, no one made me feel this way but me.  None the less, it was discouraging.  I went back to watching the instructor and just gave it my all.

After the class was over I felt amazing.  I had a Zumba high and the endorphins were running rampant.  I was definitely going to go back.  I packed up my stuff and headed for the car.  On my way home, the endophins left my body and I was overcome with all of those feelings of discovering myself in the mirror.  I'm not going to lie; I cried.  At first it was just a little bit.  I felt so unattractive, quite possibly the most unattractive I have ever felt.  My the time I got home the few tears running down my cheeks had developed into full on sobing.  I pulled my car into the garage, gave myself a moment to wallow in my self pity before wiping my face, pulling up the proverbial bootstraps and going inside. 

I shared my adventure with my husband.  He told me I was beautiful.  That is took nine months to get to where I am and that change isn't going to happen over night.  He told me he loved me no matter what  I thought I looked like.  He was right and my moment of wallowing passed.  The important thing is that I am doing something about it.  I will go back to Zumba.  I will wear something that hopefully doesn't make me look so frumpy and I will definitely  wear more make-up.  But most importantly, I will wear a smile.  Because this is only the beginning.

(The picture of Nolan obviously has nothing to do with my post except that this is how I entertained him while I wrote it)


  1. Love you Haley. It's so hard when we imagine ourselves differently than we look. I'm always amazed when i see photos of myself and I look OLD (and not to mention pregnant looking!! haha!!).

    You're off to a good start lady. I'm proud of you!

  2. We are riding on Saturday! It shouldn't be too bad of weather...

  3. Oh my sweet girl. You are way to hard on yourself. I was in that class with you and I thought you were beautiful. Your bubbly personality and that lovely smile. You haven taken that first step to give Haley some time I admire you for it as Moms we always seem to put ourselves last. It took me years to figure out that I needed me time. You are way ahead of the game. As you know I have been trying to get in shape for over a year and I still see chunky monkey when I look in the mirror. Those mirrors at the gym are not flattering. Together we will get to the spot where we will like what we see in the mirror. I am there for you.

  4. I can totally relate to everything you shared Haley! Being a new mom is so absolutely wonderful, but balancing all the pieces of our lives is much more difficult now. And then trying to lose baby weight and get back in shape is even harder! I have been dieting like crazy to lost the weight, but haven't really dove back into excerise yet. I've heard about a baby and mom class where you actually work out with your baby! Would you be interested in going if I find one, maybe on a Saturday morning? I'm not sure if they offer any in Kelso, but I would totally drive up there if they do! Let me know!


  5. Oh, I forgot to mention. If you are cutting calories or dieting at all, I have so many new foods that I've found recently that are super low in calories and totally satisfying too!


  6. Haley, I just love you. Your husband had some very wise words for you, and I know that you can reach your goals. You are one of the kindest, classiest, strongest women I know and you can reach any goal you set for yourself. Just look at the bravery you are showing here!

  7. You my beautiful daughter(I know I'm not your mother but you feel like a daughter)are a amazing young woman, wife and mother and I am so happy you are part of my life. Casey makes smart choices and one of the best he ever made was choosing you. You are blessed to have found each other. I am lucky to have you all in my life. Remember Nolan loves his mommy no matter what and he knows you are beautiful inside and out, so does his Daddy! You have two smart amazing men to show you that everyday.

  8. I sooo understand what you are going through! You are doing a great job. It's been 7 years since Maddy was born and I'm still battling the weight loss giant. Sadly I'm more comfortable in my skin while preggo...maybe that's why I have I'll go on this mission with you!! We'll be hotties by Rodeo weekend!! I don't mountain bike but I rode bike. There are adventure races that incorporate both that we should do together. Keep up the good work pretty lady!
