Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Clarisonic Superstar

It only seems fitting that since I am already struggling with baby weight that I should struggle with being a pizza face as well.  Be it hormones, birth control, or the stress of being a new mom, my face resembles one large pepperoni pizza.  I haven't had skincare issues this bad since my freshman and sophomore years of high school; only now, they are even worse.  Not only am I plagued with pimples but now colonies of blackheads have taken over my chin and nose, my pores are enlarging exponentially by the day, and the skin around my eyes seems to be at risk for early onset fine lines.  Truly peoples, I am a mess.  A hot mess.

Lucky for me I have found salvation from dermatological purgatory in the Clarisonic Skincare Brush.  From the makers of the Sonicare toothbrushes, the Clarisonic is some heavy duty hardware for your bathroom.  There is plenty of technology to explain why and how this brush works (I'll let you click on the link to read all that for yourselves) but I am not going to concern myself with any of that.  What I care about is that this little wonder works very hard to right the wrong that is my face.  Gentle enough to be used twice a day it removes dirt and make up better than just washing my face alone.  In fact, I can wash my face with my at current favorite product and when I use the Clarisonic after the fact, there is tons on dirt and make up on the brush that my cleanser didn't get.  Plus it feels like a mini face massage.  I notice that my skin tends to be smoother, more even in color, and all in all just more glowy.  Most importantly though, when used religiously I don't suffer from teenage break-out hell. 


  1. hmm,I may need to look into this. I'm needing to do something to do a little more w/ my face, whether it be peels more often or whatever. Thanks for sharing! Keely

  2. Great review! I am completely intrigued now. I totally had the same skin issues post-partum...if it's of any help to you, my skin is totally back to normal now! There is a light at the end of the tunnel, my dearest!:)

  3. Just invested in one of these a few weeks ago! A little spendy, but it does make your skin feel great. I love mine and have noticed smoother and softer skin. They have something new out called the "opal", which is for around your eyes. Waiting to hear if it works as great as the clarsonic!

  4. Keely~ I hgihly recommend the Clarisonic. It's a little spendy but so worth it!

    Kisha~ I'm glad you liked my review. Port-partum just sucks...skin, hair, hormones.

    Amie~ Isn't it the best? I have had mine for almost two years (I just recently had stopped taking the time to use it) and I couldn not live with out it. I will let you know about the Opal as soon as I know something, I really want to try it!

  5. I want one! All I need is a coupon....
