Friday, April 2, 2010


Before pregnancy, I rode mountain bikes with some awesome ladies.  We called ourselves the GGG, Growlers Gulch Girls.  I have to say, I am so lucky to be able to ride with these gals because they are bad ass and I learn a lot from them.  Even though most (ok, lets be honest, more like all) of these gals are worlds above me in talent, any one of them would take the time to help me learn how to over a huge log, ride with me at my pace, or work with me on climbing a gnarly hill.

Two ladies of the GGG and I all had babies within about 6 months of each other. (Notice the picture to the right.  Nolan - 3 months, Riley - 9 months, and Leon - 4 months).  We all still ride mountain bikes but these days we spend less time on our bikes and more time pushing strollers.  And when I say we I mostly mean they.  Yesterday I got together with Riley's and Leon's mommies, Sara and Ksenia, and we went for a the pouring rain.  Normally I would not be caught dead in the pouring rain.  Yes, I am afraid that I might melt.  However, not these ladies.  They are tough; they are hard core.

At the beginning of our walk the sun was shining and there was only a light breeze.  About 10 minutes into our walk that light breeze became strong gusts and the sun disappeared behind monster rain clouds and it began to pour.  We turned ourselves around and headed back to the house...for rain jackets and gloves.  I would have been happy to give up the walk for a warm house and a cup of coffee but it was not to be so.  In fact I don't think the thought of not walking ever even occurred to Sara or Ksenia.  I didn't want to seem like I couldn't hang with the hard cores so I kept my mouth shut, put on my rain coat and a borrowed pair of gloves and off we went.  We walked in the downpour for a solid two hours.  Surprisingly the time flew and I barely noticed the rain thanks to the steady flow of conversation.  I don't think there is anything I couldn't talk about to these amazing gals.  We swapped mommy hood stories and shared things like the fact that sometimes we don't get around to brushing our teeth until noon or scrub our showers as often as we should because we can't have the baby in the bathroom with the chemical smells and when the baby naps sometimes we want to as well. 

It was very reassuring to learn that I am not the only one that struggles.  It is just part of the day to day.  These struggles help us become better moms, better wifes, and better friends.  Even though I was soaking wet on my drive home from our walk, I didn't feel cold and wet.  On contrary I felt quite warm and fuzzy.  I am learning, albeit very slowly, that I can do anything...rain or shine.


  1. I know it is hard with my first baby it was so easy, but now that my second is almost one I find myself wanting to sleep and be lazy and its lots harder to lose the weight. keep up the good work. It will all just come at once when you least think it is going to happen.

  2. Jenny~ I totally understand the wanting to sleep and be lazy!
