Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Girl, Interrupted

First and foremost let me apologize for my recent lack of posting.  It was a very busy weekend here at our household (postings to follow shortly, I hope) followed by some Internet issues.  Posting on the weekends is rather difficult but I will continue to give it my best.

Yesterday was an awesomely productive day!  Following the suggestion of my dear friend and fellow blogger, Kisha, I made my list of all things that needed to be done and set about doing my chores; One by one I crossed  them off my list as I went instead of my usual haphazard method of insanity where I start doing one thing but get distracted by another accomplishing nothing.  My productivity was almost derailed when I opened my mailbox only to discover that all of my favorite magazines had arrived.  There they were, Every Day with Rachel Ray and Food Network Magazine, among a few others, with their shiny glossy pages inviting me to stop what I was doing to flip though them.  I stayed strong however, because underneath that wondrous pile of recipes and advertising was a little cardboard package from Amazon.  It was here, my Tracy Anderson Post-Pregnancy Workout DVD.  I knew that as promised I was going to have to make time for myself to actually do this today and could not afford the distraction of silly magazines.

I went on with my cleaning until I could put it off no longer; it was time to workout.  I'll be honest, after scrubbing and mopping all day long I really just wanted to sit on my couch with a glass of wine and watch Desperate Housewives reruns while flipping through my magazines but I knew I could not.  So I put Nolan in his swing for his nap, busted out the yoga mat, and moved the coffee table.  I really didn't know what to expect from the video.  Everything I've seen from Tracy Anderson on youTube is really intense so needless to say, I expected to get my ass kicked.

The workout started off easy enough, just some simple crunches to "wake-up your muscles."  It progressively got more and more difficult as it started to incorporate a little weight with arm movements but nothing I felt I couldn't handle.  Don't get me wrong, it was certainly challenging, but the pace was nice and moderate and the whole workout is set to soft soothing classical music.  It was at this point in the workout that things stopped going so well.  My dog began whining. First a little and then so intensely that I had to press pause on my video to let him outside.  I no sooner got back to my mat and pressed play when my dog started barking at the front door because he now wanted back inside.  I pressed pause again and let Cam back inside.  I gave him strict orders to lay in his bed and be quiet so mommy could finish her workout and he complied like a good dog, but it was too late.  Cam's barking had awoken the baby.  Usually Nolan waking up from his nap isn't a big issue.  When he naps in his swing he is more than happy to hang out in for a short while once he has woken up.  Not this time.  Baby Nolan woke up angry and screaming.  I picked up my discontented baby and soothed him into the happy, smiling baby he usually is.  I propped up in his Boppy so he could watch me as I exercised and went back to my video.  I was able to make it through the next few minutes of the workout, which was not only getting more and more challenging, but certainly more acrobatic as well.  What started out as crunches quickly turned into unusual balancing and contorting that I don't yet have the strength for.  Nolan found it quite hysterical as his mommy grunted and exclaimed "oh my God" while trying balance in a plank position on my forearms as I attempted to lift and bend my leg and twist up my torso in a valiant effort to mimic the pretzel Tracy Anderson had turned herself into.  The laughter from my sweet baby quickly disippated into tears and I was forced to prematurely end my workout session.

I spent the next twenty minutes trying once again soothe my angry baby but this time was not so lucky.  He cried and carried on until his daddy came home and provided new and exciting forms of entertainment that only a daddy can.  By this time I was so over trying to finish the last ten minutes of acrobatic body contorting so I turned off the DVD and went about making dinner.

Even though I was unable to complete my mission, it was not a total disaster.  I did have thirty glorious, yet highly interrupted, minutes of exercise to check off my list.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with this DVD Haley!
    I personally can't be consistent when it comes to working out at home.. always find excuses not to :)
