Wednesday, April 28, 2010

About My Disappearence...

So about my gross negligence with my blogging....

Things in my life have been a little crazy. When I say things, I mean everything. When I say a little crazy, I mean street rat crazy. I won't give you the lengthy play-by-play because, quite frankly, no one has that kind of time or would be bored enough to want to read it, and so I'll spare you.
It all started with a fussy baby...a really fussy baby. It was like my precious little guy had developed colic over night at four months old; he just cried all the time. He would wake up every two hours during the night to cry. There was so much crying going on that at some point I started to cry. My husband would come home from work and Nolan and I would just be sitting there crying. Or even more likely, walking and bouncing while listening to John Mayer and crying (my son seems to be a big fan of the singer-songwriters. Listening usually calms him right down). We thought he was teething so we administered Tylenol and frozen washcloths to suck on. When none of that helped, I took him to the doctor but they couldn't find anything wrong so they said, "he's just teething." The crying just went on and on and the bags under my eyes continued to get bigger and darker as the house got more and more cluttered and Laundry Mountain reached epic heights. I barely had the time or energy to brush my teeth let alone blog!
About two weeks later, Nolan and I returned to the doctor's office for his 4 month (growing so fast) well baby check-up with a laundry list of questions and a journal detailing our tear soaked last few weeks. I was already discouraged just knowing that I was going to be told my baby just likes to cry and that I could go to a support group for moms who what to pull their hair out. I was wrong. The wonderful and fabulous Dr. Tolby (who happened to be my pediatrician back in the day) took a quick glance at my journal that detailed diaper changes, crying bouts, and feedings, and said to me, "it appears that the crying has increased as Nolan gets more formula and less breast milk (I just dried up). Let's switch his formula and see what happens." So we did. And it worked. Of course this new super hypo-allergenic formula is ridiculously expensive but you can't put a price on sanity.
Things in our household are slowly getting back to normal. We once again have a happy, smiling baby who rarely ever cries, the house has been de-cluttered, and Laundry Mountain conquered. My evening free time will once again be filled with gym trips and workout DVDs instead of wine and Desperate Housewives reruns. Oh! And of course blogging.


  1. Dr. Tolby was my doc when I was little too!! Thank goodness your little man is happy....and you too:) xoxo jessica pete

  2. "you can't put a price on sanity"... I like that.

  3. I had Dr. Tolby as well! Have to love Child and Adolescent Clinic. I am so sorry you were having such a rough time. I went through a similar situation with Madeline, and it was no fun. I'm glad the clouds are beginning to part, however!!! Loves!

  4. I am so glad you figured it out!! I know how those frusterating days and nights can be. We have gone through it for some reason or another with both kids. You feel so overwhelmed by the crying. (his and yours) My husband too used to come home to all of us crying at times.... Things always get better. So the second time around i have to tell my self THAT often--this too shall pass.... Good luck with getting back to normal. Don't be too hard on yourself not getting everything done. Including working out and taking care of yourself. It's all about the babies and in due time you can have (some ) time back. Hang in there girl!

  5. Formula was so much harder on Austin's tummy too! We've switched twice now and we think we've found one that's works pretty well. I'm glad things are getting better. I absolutely love the part about Casey coming home from work to find a crying wife and baby. Been there, done that! It's the pure exhaustion that get's to you. I felt like I could handle anything if I could just sleep a little bit first! Too bad it just doesn't work that way. You've got to love it though! It makes you so grateful to just lay your head down to sleep!

    Take care of yourself!

  6. My dear, you are going to have to make a blogging appearance today because I just tagged you in a super fun photo tagging post!
